Thursday, March 10, 2011

Black Toenails!

Of the nail disorders known nail fungus is scientifically known as onychomycosis which may take the form of toenail fungus, or yellow, white or black, is probably one of the most feared mainly because of its appearance and smell . But what most people do not realize is that this disease is more than just a cosmetic problem. It is a disease that can disrupt normal day to day because of pain and discomfort that results. In fact, finding people who suffer from onychomycosis find it difficulties to carrying out activities that require walking or running.

If you're relatively healthy and your immune system works, your body can probably withstand an attack of dermatophytes.

Always the best defense against nail fungus is a good hygiene . Some people are more susceptible to infection with dermatophytes and should therefore be very cautious when walking in public places where dermatophytes are considered abundant. These individuals include persons over 60 years and people with diabetes, psoriasis and leukemia.

There are a variety of toenail fungus, and they differ in appearance and severity. The main types of toenail fungus are:

Distal subungual onychomycosis - This type of nail fungus is characterized by infection that occurs between the tip of the nail and the skin and along the side of the nail. People with this type of toenail fungus often have yellow nails.

Superficial white onychomycosis - This type of nail fungus is called as such since it is characterized by white dust specs on the surface of the nails. Besides fading, the affected nails become too brittle and fragile. This type of infection is most curable of all types of nail fungus.

Proximal subungual onychomycosis - is the rarest form of toenail fungus. It is characterized by a white or yellow spots on the cuticle . This type of toenail fungus is very curable.

Black toenail fungus - As its name implies, this type of fungus makes the nail turn black.

With good hygiene you can prevent the fungus yellow, white or black toenails